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Captain Kyle

Community host of Cruising with Captain Kyle (formerly known as Sailing with Captain Kyle)

What’s your show about and when does it air? Cruising with Captain Kyle” is an exploration and deep dive into the world of yacht rock; and the greatest smooth music ever made. I sail these WKUF airwaves Monday nights, from 7-9 pm Eastern Time

Is there a story behind your on-air name? It’s an honorary title given to me by my fellow moderators in the Worldwide Yacht Rockers community who considered me an expert in the genre. I am honored to be given the title, and for having the opportunity to represent yacht rock with WKUF.

How long has your show been on the air? Since mid-October 2021

What do you like to do in your spare time? I am devoted to my faith. I love spending time with my family, and I enjoy studying music.

Tell us about a funny incident that happened during your show.  No situation stands out from any other. I try to include good humor for my audience every show.

If you knew you were going to be stranded on a desert island, what are 10 of the songs you’d want with you?

In no particular order:

“Real Love”- The Doobie Brothers

“Feel So Good”- Chuck Mangione

“Suddenly”- Cliff Richard and Olivia Newton-John

“Breezin”- George Benson

“Cool Love”- Pablo Cruise

“How Much I Feel”- Ambrosia

“You’re the Only Woman”- Ambrosia

“Biggest Part of Me”- Ambrosia

“Hold the Line”- Toto

“Spanish Sea”- Toto

What is one of your most memorable concert experiences?⚡️KISS⚡️ Greatest live performance I have ever witnessed. Epic!!

Tell us something about yourself that people might find surprising. I believe in Jesus Christ with all my heart and soul.

In the movie “WKUF: The Untold Story”, who would you cast as yourself? Jon Favreau


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